I'm Minjutin/Milja, a dedicated game developer in my 20s. My goal is to create memorable games with interesting ideas. I'm a lover of good stories. I like doing solo game projects but am the most skilled with programming and designing.
BlockyBear (Heart to Find, Garden of Eldritch Delights, Unsightly)
6Knowledge (Rodiation, Hat vs Evil, Partyshipate)
nuuna (Heart to Find, The Spring Equinox)
Max1m1l1an (Unsightly, Bearebearellion)
Mooltidude (The First Piece of Art, Kuura Murder Mystery 1 & 2)
And many others: Luna, Bee, Ali, vauhikas, insanitum, TTKayttis, .....
games where I've only worked as a programmer
experimental small games created for game jams
random sparks of joy and shame